Aino Kallas Summer Cottage

The Aino Kallas Summer Cottage is a farmhouse in Kassari. In the years 1924–1938, it was initially rented and then bought as a summer cottage by the Finnish-Estonian writer Aino Kallas and her husband, folklorist and diplomat Oskar Kallas.

One of the rooms in the house has been arranged as a museum, displaying the furniture used by the Kallases and some of their belongings. The house is open for visitors when its current owners are present.

The Aino Kallas Summer Cottage has been entered into the National Register of Cultural Monuments. The Kallas Summer Cottage can be visited by prior agreement with the museum.

Additional information and ordering:
+372 5884 0140

  • List of services with price list:

  • A visit to the house of Aino Kallas (by appointment only) 20 € group